Hard Difficulty

Press the Attack
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down
Cosmic Insight
Biscuit Delivery
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down
Cosmic Insight
Biscuit Delivery
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force

Starting Items

Long Sword
Refillable Potion

Provides highest damage, builds into mythic quicker, and gives you the best sustain.

Standard Build

Berserker's Greaves
Infinity Edge
Lord Dominik's Regards
Guardian Angel

Situational Items

Immortal Shieldbow
The Collector
Plated Steelcaps
Guardian Angel


Q: 8

W: 30 (recharge 90-50)

E: 14-8

R: 150-90

Kalista's Skill Max Order: E → Q → W

Cut Down

Enemy health needed to proc Cut Down Level 1: 663

Kalista's Base Health Lvl 1: 604

Kalista's Health With Doran's Blade Lvl 1: 684

You will only proc Cut Down level 1 if Kalista goes Doran's early; otherwise, you won't proc it until she has Shield Bow.

Cut Down is Sometimes recommended in this matchup. If you think she will start Doran's Blade or if you want to play for late game, then go Cut Down. Otherwise, go Coup De Grace.


Level 1: Kalista hard wins level 1, so start Q in this matchup and aim to get 2 first if you can. Save Q for her and not on the wave ideally because a good kalista will run you down right after you miss it. If you use Q on the wave to get 2 first, make sure you're far back so she can't run you down after.

Level 2-5: Be careful around low health minions because Kalista will throw her Q threw it and will get free rend stacks on you, or even worse, transferring her E stacks from the minions to you. If you can prio early, try to bully her with short trades if you land your Q on her. Otherwise, keep the wave in front of your tower and avoid Q poke. Take long ranged Qs in this matchup so if you miss, she won't punish you for it. If you land Q, auto twice then E-Auto when nearsight ends so that she's slowed when the Q expires. Don't be greedy with trades becasue she wins the fight when your Q goes away.

Level 6+: Ward deep in jungle because Kalista's level 6 is really good to set up jungle ganks. When you get 1-2 items, you beat kalista in 1v1 if you land your Q on her because you have enough damage to beat her. Going even with Kalista in lane is a huge win for you.

What To Do

This matchup sucks.

Level 1 try to get prio, but be careful because Kalita wins level 1.

You literally can only take trades against her if you land Q.

Take long ranged Qs so if you miss, Kalista can't punish you after.

If you Land Q, you can E her before Q expires to slow her to prevent retaliation.

Be careful standing behind low health minions because Kalista will throw Q to kill it, and if it hits you, the rend stacks transfer.

Post 6 she gets free ganks for her jungler to dive, so be very careful.

However, just know that you hard win 1-2 items in the 1v1.

Going even in this lane is a HUGE win for you.

Do short trades with Q blind, and this is your main form of fighting her in lane.

You win at 2 items becasue you have enough damage to kill her when she is blinded.