Medium Difficulty

Press The Attack

If you want to play for more early/mid game with snowballing and roams

Press The Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down
Eyeball collection
Treasure Hunter
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
Press The Attack

If you want to play for more scaling/ planning on doing less roams

Press The Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force

Starting Items

Long Sword
Refillable Potion

Provides the highest damage, builds into your mythic quicker, and gives you the best sustain.

Standard Build

Blade of the Ruined King
Berserker's Greaves
Wit's End
Kraken Slayer
Lord Dominik's Regards
Infinity Edge

Situational Items

Randuin's Omen
Plated Steelcaps
Death's Dance


P: 15

Q: 20-10

W: passive

E: 22-12

R: 90-30

Q range: 1125 Units (Quinn's Q is 1050)

Gnar's Skill Max Order: Q → E → W

Cut Down

Enemy health needed to proc Cut Down Level 1: 663

Gnar's Base Health Lvl 1: 580

Gnar's Health With Doran's Shield Lvl 1: 660

Cut Down is Always recommended in this matchup. You will proc it lvl 1 onwards if he starts any Doran's items. You also proc it always during his Mega Gnar.


Level 1: Conduct Quinn Cheese level 1, and then instantly side step to juke his Q boomerang. After you side step it, auto him to consume the harrier proc & continue AAing afterwards to win the trade. Be careful not to get hit by his boomerang that returns back.

Level 2: Gnar will have W likely, so try not to get 3 tims in a row. This grants him extra damage and MS. Do short trades with blind, and then disengage after. He will bommerang behind minions, but if he misses make sure to engage on him for a trade.

Level 3-5: Gnar has jump, but you're not afraid of mini-Gnar in fights. Watch out for Gnar's bar; if it gets closer to red then Mega Gnar is coming, and he is scary only if he's in close range of you. When Mega Gnar comes, stand back and be careful till it runs out. To beat Mega Gnar, try vaulting him mid air if you have quick reflexes because your E cancels his jump. Be careful of vaulting too late because his W range is 550 (25 more than your E pushes you back) and so he can stun you during your vault if you time it incorrectly. If he gets his jump off, its probably better to side step his W when he lands.

Level 6: Avoid being near walls, his R radius is 475 units, which is short, so when you anticipate an engage from him, try to stand in the middle of the lane and you will be okay. You can out run Mega Gnar easily, but he can one shot you if he is able to stun you against the wall.

What To Do

Matchup is Quinn favoured with experience.

The essential part of the matchup is to dodge his boomerang with your speed, and when his boomerang is down, go in for a trade.

Mini Gnar is quite easy to beat, while Mega Gnar's damage is quite terrifying.

Don't go near walls when he is in Mega Gnar. Use your W passive marks to side step Mega Gnars rocks.

Quinn's vault CAN interrupt both of Gnar's jumps (mini and mega), so keep that in mind.

If you dodge the boomerang, go for a big trade because he can't do much.

Be cautious of Gnar's W passive though.

3 AAs give extra dmg and grant him MS.

If you blind mini gnar, he can't retaliate much, so short combos after he's blinded will help you to win the lane.

Try to leave the trade before he can get those 3aas on you so that he doesn't get the proc bonus MS and damage.

Mega Gnar in lane is much easier to deal with because he can't boomerange to trade with you, and his Qs don't fly back towards him so he can't CS as well.

Also, Mega Gnar is much easier to Vault cancel his jump because the animation is much slower.

In Mega Gnar, be careful of Gnar's W because it can stun you, and the range is 550 (25 more than our vault range and auto range).

Ideally, save vault to retaliate AFTER Mega Gnar Ws you.