Medium Difficulty

Fleet Footwork

If you want to sustain his poke

Fleet Footwork
Legend: Bloodline
Coup De Grace
Second Wind
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
Press The Attack

If you want more damage

Press The Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down
Eyeball collection
Treasure Hunter
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force

Starting Items

Long Sword
Refillable Potion

Provides highest damage, builds into mythic quicker, and gives you the best sustain.

Standard Build

Blade of the Ruined King
Wit's End
Berserker's Greaves
Lord Dominik's Regards
Infinity Edge

Situational Items

Randuin's Omen
Immortal Shieldbow
Kraken Slayer
Plated Steelcaps
Death's Dance
Mortal Reminder


P: 15

Q: 4.5

W: 22-14

E: 18-14 (barrel health decay 2 / 1 / 0.5 based on level)

R: 180-140

Q range: 625, 25 units longer than your Vault range

Gangplank's Skill Max Order: Q → E → W

Cut Down

Enemy health needed to proc Cut Down Level 1: 663

Gangplank's Base Health Lvl 1: 644

Gangplank's Health With Doran's Shield Lvl 1: 724

Cut Down is Not recommended in this matchup. Gankplank will start corrupting pots and likely run a low-hp crit build


Level 1: Be cautious of Level 1 GP. Do not leash in this matchup because a good Gangplank will get prio over you if you leash. Conduct Quinn Cheese level 1, you win the trade because he won't have grasp and you get 2 harrier marks, but don't let him auto you because this gives him a burst of movement speed and true damage. His Q is 5 second CD, so do a short trade for 3 seconds before backing out of his Q range. After the first trade, don't walk into GP's Q range until your E is back up (its 25 units longer range than your E). His Q now will have Grasp procs after the first trade, which do a lot of damage. When your E comes back up, walk into range of him and then Auto-E-Auto and run him down, you will win the trade because he only gets 1 empowered Q on you. Ideally, walk up when your passive is about to come back to get 2 harrier marks on him. Fight him when your passive is about 2 seconds on CD so it marks him after you consume the vault harrier auto. Never walk into GP range unless your E is up because he will always get a free empowered Q on you if you do.

Level 2: He will start either E or W (if he's low), but usually his barrels. When he drops his barrels, the best mechanic is to vault GP the second he explodes his barrel. By doing this, your Vault will juke his barrel damage if you master this interaction. Here's a clip of me doing it against Solarbacca, the Rank 1 GP. GP has the edge in lane phase, so that's why I like fleet because if you take a bad trade without some sustain (fleet or taste of blood, for example), then he can poke you out of lane with ease.

Level 3-5: Now he has W. Gangplank W doesn't remove nearsight or ignite, and it is a long cooldown. If you bait him to use this, you have a long window to aim for a kill. Be cautious of dives because GPs like to stay low and bait a dive by using W last second. If he has W up, ignite him before diving so he doesn't heal as much

Level 6: His R is good for him all-ining you.

What To Do

Level 1 Gangplank has no pressure to out trade you, so use your vault aggessively. Careful if GP has ignite, some good gankplank players will flash auto you to get their passive MS and then Q you to death. Keep spacing after you vault and watch his positioning if he's running at you.

If Gangplank ever Qs you, retaliate with Vault + many Auto Attacks to win the trade.

Second wind + fleet and pots means that you will outsustain all of his poke, so the matchup becomes incredibly easy with this strategy.

Since most GPs run corrupting pot, it's very important to keep tab on if he has the pots active.

To check if he has a corrupting pot active, click on Gangplank's character and on the top-left of the screen, it will show the corrupting pot timer under his name.

Do NOT trade with Gangplank while he has corrupting pots active because these consumables grant him more damage while active.

Your goal in the early laning phase is to get GP to consume all 3 corrupting pots as soon as possible, and every time he uses one pot, back off until it wears off before you go in for trades.

Level 3 onwards the lane gets really fun. The most important interaction is to practice dodging his barrel explosing with your E, Vault.

To do so, when Gangplank explodes a barrel, he will try to throw one in front of you to hit a Double/triple barrel combo.

The key to time this correctly is when Gangplank explodes his first barrel, immeditately retaliate with Vault, and if timed correctly, Quinn will dodge the explosions from the other barrels.

Master this mechanic and GP has no chance in lane.

If he misses his Barrels, immediately run him down and launch your whole combo on his to get a big trade win.

Ideally, you want to land your Q on Gangplank in lane first, and if you land it, go in for a quick trade becasue Gangplank cannot retaliate with his Q since it is a lock on ability, which means you will get a free trade in lane.

Even if you are behind in this lane guys, when you get 1-2 items, you will be able to 1v1 GP ALWAYS because your crit build will provide enough damage to destroy him.

All you need are 2 items and you will out DPS him in 1v1s.

GP is a bad 1v1 champ, and you can think of him as a poke AD caster mage.

He is quite squishy for the most part, which means our crit build will do wonders later on.

Side Note: Gang plank can win level 1 if he plays it correctly.

The only GP player that I ever struggled with level 1 was Solarbacca, the best GP in the world, but most GP players wont do what he does.

If you see GP with ignite start, be careful of his level 1 cheese.

He will poke you with his Q, and then after the second Q he'll flash forward to AA you, and this AA is his passive so he gets MS from it to outrun you. When you flash, he will Q + ignite you for the kill.

Overall, you hard win level 1, but if the GP plays like this, just be a little mindful about your spacing & using your E early game

You win 1v1 with 2 items no matter what.