Hard Difficulty

Fleet Footwork

If you want more sustain/ better secondary runes. Run this if you're more confident

Fleet Footwork
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
Magic Resistance
Phase Rush

if you want more survivability and you aren't confident in this matchup

Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
Magic Resistance
Press The Attack

if you are confident in this matchup (I recommend this because he is tanky and you need damage).

Press The Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm
Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
Magic Resistance

Starting Items

Long Sword
Refillable Potion

Provides highest damage, builds into mythic quicker, and gives you the best sustain.

Standard Build

Blade of the Ruined King
Wits End
Berserker's Greaves
Kraken Slayer
Lord Dominik's Regards
Infinity Edge
Guardian Angel

Situational Items

Mortal Reminder
Immortal Shieldbow
Guardian Angel
Maw of Malmortius


P: 60-15

Q: 4

W: 17-15

E: 8-6

R: 110

Mundo Q Range: 1050, same as your blind

Mundo's Skill Max Order: Q → E → W

Cut Down

Enemy health needed to proc Cut Down Level 1: 663

Mundo's Base Health Lvl 1: 653

Mundo's Health With Doran's Shield Lvl 1: 733

Cut Down is Always recommended in this matchup. You will proc it lvl 1 onwards if he starts any Doran's items.


Matchup Tip: To take out Dr. Mundo's passive, wait for him to use cleaver on a minion OR if he misses it on you. What you will do is Q him, then E him and auto. He is blinded and can't insta cleaver you, so you can proc his passive for free basically. Your Phase Rush returns quicker than his passive. Try to step on his cannister if you can!

Level 1: You have the edge level 1, you can do the Quinn Cheese, but quicky side step after you land your E. Auto, E, Side Step fast, then Auto twice to consume the harrier. Mundo will retaliate with his Q instantly, and so I like to side step the Q immediately after E to juke it. His passive eats your E, but with Phase Rush, you have slow resistance and speed to out run his Q

Level 2-5: You have the edge in lane early game. Hide behind minions, if he throws cleaver and misses or against the minions, run at him and E him to pop passive. Try to run on the canister if you can. Ideally, go for this when he Qs a minion so he can't retaliate when you pop his passive. Stand behind minions so that he can't Q you for free. His Q is very hard to side step. Try to E behind minions so he Can't Q back to retaliate against you.

Level 6: He is Terrifying post 6. Whenever his passive is up, pop it because Mundo wants to run you down when you least expect it. If he runs you down, You Q-AA-E-AA so he can't see you, and try to side step his cleavers with unpredictable movement!

What To Do

Start long sword/refillable pot so that Cut Down every auto attack level 1 because his MAX hp with doran's is heavy.

First, hide behind minions so he can't cleaver you.

Your goal is to pop his passive from behind minions so he can't retaliate against you. Ideally, E him when his Q is down to jump on him with E to pop the passive. His Q is 4 second CD, so it's a free passive pop.

His cleavers are long range, and they are tough to dodge. Only trade him when he misses cleaver on a minion

If he misses cleaver, HARD ENGAGE for a trade by vaulting him, combo and DPS effectively with Q as well, then back off before his cleaver comes back.

By doing this, you legit get a free trade.

His R is 110 seconds cooldown, so your goal post 6 is just to get him low and bait his R, and I suggest not to fight him when his R is up unless he's really low WITH your ignite ticking on him.

When his R is down, you can kill him next time with ease.

You outscale this matchup. When you have 3-4 items you always win, you do so much damage and it's all about sidestepping his Qs. You are fast, so practice because if he misses a Q then you are okay because it's a 4 second cooldown, he wont be able to run you down if he misses those.